13988889999发布时间:2025-02-10 21:17:02 点击量:642
本文摘要:A serious bug in Apples FaceTime application allows users to listen in on the people they are calling when they do not pick up the call. Under certain circumstances, the glitch also allows callers to see video of the person they are calling before they pick up.苹果的FaceTime经常出现了一个相当严重漏洞,即拨话方打电话时可在受话方未电话的情况下听见对方的声音。
A serious bug in Apples FaceTime application allows users to listen in on the people they are calling when they do not pick up the call. Under certain circumstances, the glitch also allows callers to see video of the person they are calling before they pick up.苹果的FaceTime经常出现了一个相当严重漏洞,即拨话方打电话时可在受话方未电话的情况下听见对方的声音。在某些情况下,还能让拨给话方在受话方电话前看见对方的视频。
The Guardian confirmed the existence of the bug, which was first reported by 9to5Mac.《卫报》证实了这一漏洞的不存在,该漏洞是由9to5Mac网站第一时间曝出的。The bug turns the phone of the recipient of a FaceTime call into a microphone while the call is still ringing.这个漏洞不会使FaceTime不受话方的电话还在响铃的时候变为一个麦克风。If the recipient of the call presses the power button on the side of the iPhone -- an action that is typically used to silence or ignore an incoming call -- their phone will begin broadcasting video to the initial caller.如果受话方按下坐落于iPhone侧面的电源键--这一般来说是用来让电话静音或是忽视电话的一个操作者--这不会使得他们的手机开始给电话方直播视频。
Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Guardian. The company told Reuters that it was aware of the problem and would release a software update later this week.苹果方面没立刻对此《卫报》的置评催促。该公司向路透社透漏,他们早已意识到这个问题,并将在“本周晚些时候”公布软件改版。The bug comes amid increasing concern over privacy by regulators around the globe.该漏洞经常出现之际,正值全球监管机构对隐私的忧虑日益加剧。
Until Apple releases its software update, it appears that the best way for iPhone users to protect their privacy is to disable FaceTime in the phones settings.在苹果公布软件改版之前,或许iPhone用户维护隐私的最佳方式,就是在手机设置中停止使用FaceTime。